How To Start Wearing Make Up

Hey how’s it going?

As someone who has never worn a lot make-up but I have started to wear more for my liking. I have always loved the natural make up look, a bold lip and just no make-up. If you want to start wearing make-up here’s some advice I have thought of: 

Start Small:
Always start by wearing a product that you enjoy or are eagered to try mascara, lipstick, foundation etc and start there. When I started wearing make up at 16 I wore lip gloss for school photo day and thought I was a rebel.

Experiment Time:
This is where the fun begin so try different beauty looks and products , but don’t worry if you end up looking like a ghost or animal of some kind we have all been there. I believe experimenting is the way to find what you love or not. 

When I was 15 I went through a phase of wearing black eyeliner. I was actually good at putting on then I look at it again and saw I look like a ghost so see you later eyeliner. 

Research & Ask:
When it comes to beauty and make up there is so much information out there. I have learnt over the years that knowledge is power and you shouldn’t be afraid to ask. 

I’m quite shy sometime’s so asking at counters for me can be daunting yet you don’t know until you ask. The things I have done you should to: 
               Go to your local drugstores and make up counters 
               Ask questions and have a chat. 
               Get your make up professional done
               Read beauty books my favourite is Amazinger Face by Zoe foster Blake.

When I gain confidence to ask about make up I started going to Priceline or Mecca to ask more in-depth questions. These stores give great beauty service depending what you searching, need or want. I suggest for you to do the same for yourself. 

The constant information about make-up is always changing but what you need to remember it’s to have fun and find what’s best for you!  

What did you do when you started to wear makeup?
Love Jordyn

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